Sunday, October 19, 2014

Carnival Abstract

This is a watercolor 15x22 on 140# CP Arches Paper loaded with color pigments and Chinese calligraphy grassy writings.  It is rather unusual making it an interesting abstract painting.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Lucky Locks

This watercolor painting 15x22 was accepted into 2014 WASH open juried show "Go With the Flow" from a reference photo I took near my neighborhood last spring.  

Landscape 4

I recently finished this watercolor painting (15x11) after a couple summer workshops with Artist Lian Zhen this year.  I've included some of his detailed style of painting trees, water and rocks, which takes a lot time to complete.

Landscape 3

A landscape painting in progress - this is from a photo supplied by Lian Zhen when he taught at the Lincoln Art Center in August 2014.  I learned a lot about negative painting of trees and branches.  Water is masked first and then painted later.  The rocks still need tons of work.

Landscape 2

Playing with watercolor - abstract design of landscape and tree details on Arches 140# paper.

Landscape 1

Here are 2 landscape paintings I did after I took a workshop from Artist Dale Laitinen.
These are watercolor on 1/2 sheet of 300# Arches paper.

Watercolor Workshop

WASH of Sacramento Fine Art Center held a watercolor workshop in August 2014 at the Center.  Artist Lian Zhen, who recently published a landscape book, shared his pouring technique with us in two different subjects: rooster family and landscape with a small waterfall.